Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Friends Needed

I feel like the new kid in school, have you ever been that kid? I have, several times in my life. 

Its that feeling of wanting to look your best, do your best while simultaneously feeling out the other kids in the class to find where you belong. 

You are afraid to pick the one person to eat lunch with, you want to keep your options open but not be alone either.  You question if you can take anyone at face value? or if there is some secret lingo that you aren't clued in on, worse yet, could you be what they are laughing at? You are afraid that you might come across to desperate, or eager.

Well, that is me, once again, but this time in my grown up life, its in this new world of disabilities, or is it called special or handicapped? I don't even know what the acceptable terms are and this is my child!

I've been feeling isolated and lonely these past few months (no offense to those who have been in my life for a while or my newest friends!) This is more about my personal journey with Walker and how my family now fits into this world, that I needed to find a "place" a knitch if you will. So I started a meet up group, Orange County's Special Kidz , but it isn't really taking off like I had hoped!  Its just a matter of getting the word out.  So if you have any ideas, or friends or friends of friends, please pass the word on.

I'll be the girl in the sweater, with a bow in my hair and carrying a sign "friends needed"


  1. Wish I were nearer by...though I don't exactly fit into the mold you are describing, I still miss you!:-(

    When can we get together and hang out?

  2. Just blog hopping and came across your blog, and small world I had signed up for your meetup a while back but hadnt made any meetings yet:( so hope to meet you soon. Thanks for starting the group, its lonely out here in SN world.
